// textes divers francais text1="Qu'est-ce-que 'le Tour du Monde', petite histoire de la revue" text2='1860: La preface du premier numéro par E.Charton' text3='Quelques uns des grands voyageurs du Tour du Monde' text4='et un bref aperçu de quelques gravures de la revue' text5='Sommairestextes et cartes - de presque tous les numéros' text6='Et voici ma collection ...à compléter' text7='Une trentaine de récits illustrés des voyageurs du TdM' text8='Retourner a la Bibliotheque' text0='retour sur le site perso de Francois Collin' text01='Click: Ajouter ce site à vos favori' text02='Pour me contacter' text03='Quelques papillons semblent se sauver de ces pages de voyages, clickez !' text04='Mes 20 premières années de voyages' text05='Quelques bonnes adresses (mais seulement pour liaisons ADSL)' text06='Le Tour du Monde, 1ère revue de voyage fondée par E.Charton en 1859, pour relater les expéditions et grand voyages de découverte du 19eme S.' text07="Ma collection d'oeuf de bois et de pierre" text08="vos commentaires sur ce site, ou sur la revue 'le Tour du Monde'" text09='Quelques bonnes adresses' text01E='Click to Add this website to your preference' text02E='To contact me' text04E='My first 20 years of travels' text06E='Le Tour du Monde, 1st travel pictured magasine founded by E.Charton in 1859, to report about the discoveries and travels of the 19. C.' text07E="My wood and stone eggs collection" text08E="your comments about this site, or about the magasine 'le Tour du Monde'" text09E='somme good WEB adress' GGtxt='
si popup-windows et script autorise
if popup-windows and script authorised' // textes divers anglais text1E="What was 'Le Tour du Monde', small story of the serie" text2E='1860: The preface of the 1st volume by E.Charton' text3E='Some of the greater travelers of the Tour du Monde' text4E='and a short look on som pictures of the serie' text5E='The Summaries of nearly all the texts and the maps' text6E='And This is My Collection ...to be building up' text7E='around 30 pictured texts from the TOUR du MONDE' text8E='back to the Tour du Monde bookshelf' text0E='back to my personal site' title1='Article writed at the death of Edouard Charton, the founder of the review in 1860' title2='Under the Dictatorship of Rosas in Argentina, the mortal adventure of Libarona in the great Chaco in 1840-48' title3='A sight of La Réunion island (indian ocean) in 1862' title4='The last travel of miss Lise Cristani, famous violonist, between east Siberia and China border in 1849' title5='FarWest: The cross of the Badlands, and encounters with Dakotas and Sioux in 1850, by a french traveler' title6='China: The Summer palace of Beijing in 1864' title7='The spain travel of Gustave Doré in 1860: Granadians and other andalousians habits' title8='West african coast in 1868; Ivory Coast before conquest: Achantis, Amatifou, Bambaras kingdom' title9='Article writed at the death of Edouard Charton, the founder of the review in 1860' title10='Rocquefort in the south of France: the ewe-cheese village in 1874' title11='A travel in the diamonds mines, Kimberley, Orange Free-state and Transvaal, in 1872' title12='The beginning travel of Savorgnan de Braza in the west Africa' title13='The mountainous country of Cevennes (a region of south part of France) of in 1886' title14='The boundaries demarcation of the french Tonkin in 1888: adventure with chineese bands' title15='West Africa: The Crampel french mission in Oubanghi region (Congo River tributary)' title16='French Alps: catastrophic mud avalanche from an icer of Mont-Blanc in the town of St-Gervais in 1892' title17='Central Africa: a belgian expedition in Katenga in 1892' title18='French Guyana & Brasil, 1899: The contrversed territory of guyana between France and Brazil' title19='Siberia 1901: the rush to the east of russian pionneers' title20='Panama: the construction site of the channel in 1902' title21='Thibet: 3 travels in Lhassa of Ovche Narzounof,a kalmouk pilgrim (russian)' title22='A travel in the silver mines of Mexico: Toluca and Temascaltepec' title23='Travel in South-Africa (10 years after the war and British invasion)' inbritish='English version available here' infrench='French version available here' MusicOn='click to switch ON/OFF' marqueetext='Bienvenue dans le monde des oeufs de bois . Cette collection comporte deja bien des essences . mais je recherche toujours de nouveaux echantillons . Peut etre pouvez vous m aider . Un morceau de 12cm x 5cm me suffit pour tourner un oeuf.Contactez moi par mail' marqueetextE='Welcome to the woodeggs world. This collection comprise allready a lot of tree species. But I am allway looking for new ones. Perhaps Yopu can help-me: Just a piece of 5"x 2" is enough for turning an egg. Please contact-me' openegglist='Clicker ici pour ouvrir la liste de ma collection des oeufs de bois et des oeufs de pierre' openegglistE='Click here to open the list of my collection of wooden and mineral eggs' eggtext1='Clicker ici pour ouvrir la liste de ma collection des oeufs de bois et des oeufs de pierre' eggtext2='Clicker ici pour retourner chez Francois Collin' eggtext3="Une des véritables équations de l'oeuf, juste un peu pointu du bout" eggtext4="vue de la collection d'oeufs de bois" eggtext5="vue de la collection d'oeufs de minéraux" eggtext6="quelques oeufs d'artisanat" eggtext1E='Click here for the list of my wooden and stone eggs' eggtext2E='Click here for returning to my home page' eggtext3E="It's the real equation used by hens for egg machining, but just a bit too sharp at a end" eggtext4E="part of my collection of wooden eggs" eggtext5E="part of my collection of mineral eggs" eggtext6E="some handycraft eggs arrived here by accident" defautadress='collin.francois' defautadress=defautadress+'@' defautadress=defautadress+'free.fr'